Round 1: Bideo James 🎮
- Start: 7/24/2022, 10:32 AM PT
- End: 7/31/2022, midnight PT
For submission and voting links, please see the Discord.
- Pick a real video game, that exists, definitely, definitely exists, that is NOT considered a rhythm/music game by any site/source like Wikipedia or other types of game publications.
- Find a song you like from that game! This will be the song you step.
- NO remixes. It must come from the game that exists.
- If you submit a file with lua and/or attacks, you’re done for the dimocracy 2022 season!!
Winners (added to final pack)
1st / $50 / PUMPIN’ JUMPIN‘ by @Highflyer
2nd / $30 / I Love Love You by @Gpop
3rd / $20 / Hellfire by @pansexual opticon
4th / Finalist / Brother Goes Away by @RakkiiCB
5th / Executive Decision / Join Handz by @Exschwasion
Round 2: GG EZ LOL 3️⃣
- Start: 8/26/2022 (Fri)
- End: 9/2/2022 (Fri) 11:59pm PT
For submission and voting links, please see the Discord.
- If you submit a file with lua and/or attacks, you’re done for the dimocracy 2022 season!!
Winners (added to final pack)
1st / $50: Set Me Free by @pansexual opticon
2nd / $30: umbrelloid 42 by @snekk (congrats on your first win!)
3rd / $20: Ugoki by @riggy
4th / Finalist: In My Head by @som1sezhi (congrats on your first win!)
5th / Executive Decision: 1516 by @alex
Round 3: Five Artists
- Start: 9/18/2022 (Sun)
- End: 9/25/2022 (Sun) 11:59pm PT
For submission and voting links, please see the Discord.
- Simply step a song by one of the following artists: lapix/HiTECH NINJA, Sobrem, 2 Mello, Young Thug, or kamome sano.
- As long as they are credited, it’s fine. Remixes are fine. Features are fine. Them as part of a duo/ensemble is fine.
- If you submit a file with lua and/or attacks, you’re done for the dimocracy 2022 season!!
Winners (added to final pack)
- 1st / $50: Give me a break @Exschwasion
- 2nd / $30: Amazing Mirage @Gpop
- 3rd / $20: Live Nor Die – Nhato Remix @Kingly
- T-4th / Finalist: Intersection @wrsw
- T-4th / Finalist: sparky spark @robot that probably exists
- 5th / Executive Decision: keep hopping @BrotherMojo
Round 4: 9 or 10.
That’s it. Step a 9 or 10.
Winners (added to final pack)
- 1st place – $50 with 84 votes @pansexual opticon with A-ra (10)!
- 2nd place – $30 with 69 votes (nice) @ashastral with Riddle (10)!
- 3rd place – $20 with 67 votes @DRILLBOT with NULCTRL (10)!
- 4th place – pack finalist with 56 votes @obee58 with Looting the Louvre (10)! LOL y’all wild for this one
- Executive Decision with 49 votes (7th place overall) @Scry “braquette” pts with NO (10)!
Round 5: UP or DOWN?
Song you step must NOT be between 110 and 209 BPM, inclusive. Songs with natural BPM changes that pass through the 110~209 zone will be DQ’d. There are also some broken songs like Meikyoushisui incorrectly listed at 290 BPM in other rhythm games, for example. USE YOUR BEST JUDGEMENT.
If you need to know a song’s natural BPM, ask me or @telp — easy easy easy. We will do it for you so there is no confusion whatsoever.
Good luck!
Round 6: Declassified Santa
Everyone submits ONE (1) song they would be happy if someone else stepped.
Then, you get to rank your choices and get assigned one of your top 8 picks to step.
Round 7: dimocracy dimocracy redux
Make a DDR edit. Song cannot be recut, must have appeared in a real DDR game people can play/buy for reals.
Round 8: Nostalgia is Lost
Step a song that has appeared in any tournament pack during 2016 or earlier
No DDR officials, but ITG 1-2 officials (even Rebirth ….. I guess?) are ok.
Recuts are fine (song may be hard to find).
Pad or “competitive performance” tournaments (e.g. no simfile contests)
Recommended process for file hunting: https://itgpacks.com/. Then, https://search.stepmaniaonline.net/ or https://perfect.full.com.bo/ to DL because most the ITGP.com stuff is broken.
Round 8 entries (not ready)