
What is it?

If you’re thinking “a façade since the world is controlled by just a few really rich sociopaths”, you’re probably thinking of democracy. But, DIMOCRACY (stylized all-lowercase, always, please) is a ITG tech simfile event that rewards you for making simfiles other people find really cool or fun.

We’ve done this three years now and even volunteer our time afterwards to make graphics and lowers and doubles for the winning files as well.

It costs $0 to enter. To participate, simply join dimo’s Discord.

Rules (consistent throughout event)

There will be special tweaks for each round to make them interesting. See below for round themes.

  • TOURNEY BASICS: There will be some number of rounds, each spanning roughly 3-4 weeks.

    Weeks 1-2: MAKE! 
    Make a stepchart/simfile/map/whatever word you use for “Level design in StepMania 5” adhering to the constraints of the round. YOU ONLY MAKE A SINGLE EXPERT FILE. [SX] No Graphics, Lowers, Anything Else.

    Weeks 2-3: VOTE! 
    dimo does a sightread stream of every file in the round to kick off. Simultaneously, files of the round are released for playing and voting.

    Week 4: AWARDS! 
    Votes are due. We do an awards stream for who made it in the final pack and trade chart reviews/help each other get better!
  • DIFFICULTY: The meta difficulty is 9-14. If you step easier or harder, you likely won’t garner votes (how you win).

  • LENGTH: The meta length of songs is no longer than 2:30-ish. Longer than this will lose you votes. Shorter than 1 min will likely lose you votes, too.

  • AUTHORSHIP: You are the only one allowed to work on your file unless otherwise stated. Asking people for feedback who are not in the server/competing is fine! But wait until after THE ROUND IS OVER to get feedback from people IN the server.

  • ANONYMITY: The tournament is based on anonymity. DO NOT put any metadata on your files (this is stuff that goes into #DESCRIPTION, #CHARTNAME, or #CREDIT tags in your .sm or .ssc files). Keep your file SECRET until after we all vote. I will make a ‘spoilers’ channel after submitting for each round to talk spoilers with co-voters.

  • .LUA/Mods: Not allowed unless stated otherwise.

  • +9ms: Don’t forget to add +0.009 seconds of OFFSET to your files before submission. If you need help, ask in the server!

  • COMPATIBILITY: Files MUST work on ITGMania 0.9


To date, I have given out over $2,300 of my own money to people writing good simfiles.

This year, we’ll be doing the following for each round:

  • 1st receives $30 has their chart featured in the final pack!
  • 2nd receives $20 has their chart featured in the final pack!
  • 3rd receives $10 has their chart featured in the final pack!
  • 4th has their chart featured in the final pack!
  • Wildcard! “TOs pick”! A special someone whose file we think was severely underrated by all other entrants will be chosen to also be featured in the final pack!

Round 1: Bee, Ex, or Eff


  • Use only ONE of these three kinds of ‘tech’ in your file: Brackets, Crossovers, or Footswitches.
  • More info in Gdoc here.

Submit: https://omid.gg/submit (tentative date for submissions will be Sept 15. More details to follow for submitting. Just make a fun file until then.)

Download: [will be posted when ready]

Vote: https://omid.gg/vote